Monday, September 15, 2008

the lake

Jaxon loved the lake. He didn't like the life vest so much, but once we got it on the boat lulled him to sleep.


Marissa Marie said...

FINALLY....some updates. :) You owe it to us to keep the pictures coming...since we all love Jaxon.

Anonymous said...

jaxon is so adorable! looks like you guys had a blast at the lake. how is your brother? is he dating anyone? anyways, i hope to see you at the next playgroup. it feels like forever since we've hung out! i miss you!!!

Angie said...

I agree, finally we get to see his cuteness again. He is getting big. How old is he now?

Angie said...

Let me guess....10 months 2 days...just saw the counter. Silly me!

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