Saturday, May 2, 2009

Proceed with caution

So, I've had a few requests to hear the birth story so if you are squimish proceed of your own accord. Wednesday James was able to get off of work a little early and we were sitting in the family room watching T.V. It was around 5pm and all the sudden I felt a pop and then a gush. I was affraid of what was going on so I jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I then found out that I was leaking blood. I then had James get me my phone so I could call my Dr. where they told me to go to the hospital. My due date was never really sure, originally it was the 16th, but then it got changed to the 30th. So, according to the most recent change I was only 35 weeks and 4 days along. Once I got to the hospital they did an ultra-sound and determined that I had a pretty serious placental abruption. Basically there was a good size part of the placenta was torn from the uterus wall and there was a large clott form as well as some heavy bleeding. Since there was a high risk that the placenta could tear completly away from the wall the Dr. started to move fast. I really wanted a vag birth but because of the risk c-section was a high probability. Fortunately I was progressing fast enough that we were able to just sit back and let nature take it's course. By 11:00 I was 6cm, and then as of 11:05pm I was 10cm and ready to go. So... 3 contractions and 9 pushes later Emry was born. She immediatley started sucking on her hand, and was a healthy 6 lbs 10 ounces. So even though it was early and a little high stress everything turned out perfectly.


Anonymous said...

What a scare! I'm glad that everything worked out great and that you didnt need a c-section. She is a beautiful baby!

scott and linds said...

WOW- that sounds scary! but i'm SO glad things turned out so perfectly. She's ADORABLE!! Congrats! I'm so glad everything worked out ;)

Unknown said...

I'm glad to ear everything ended up going well. Congrts on the new little one, she is super cute!!!! I am super happy for your family.

R.B.B. said...

We are so happy for you guys and are very glad that Momma is okay- yikes!!

We especially love the pic of Jaxon and little Miss Emry. He looks like a proud big bro! So sweet.

Josh and Melissa said...

I'm glad all went well- she is adorable! I love the pic of your two kiddos- they will be great friends! Congrats!

Dyan said...

That would be scary...seeing blood during pregnancy is never an easy going thing. Glad everything turned out okay and that she was healthy and big enough when born. She sure is cute!

Cami Bruschke said...

Congratulations Amber and James! How fun for you to have a beautiful little girl.

Angie said...

So glad all is well and everyone is ok. Once again you two make the cutest babies ever. She is an angel... Seriously! And Jazon oh my heck. Congratulations! James it was great to see you. Sad we didn't get to chat longer. I found out Monday morning that my little girl had broken her leg in two places. No wonder she was miserable and cried the whole time.

Unknown said...

Congratulation!... Thats great news, We are happy for your child. Hope you are doing well know....

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