Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ode to freedom

Jax is such a boy! This is his favorite spot in the house. Looking outside almost always face to face with the dog or just staring at the grass. So I am a mean mom right? I make him look not play? No, I let him play until his little alabaster face is all crimson from the heat and then I make him come in side, but then he goes right back to the window to stare!


Anonymous said...

hopefully in a month the weather will be nice for him to play outside all day long! thanks again for the cute outfits and for coming over to visit. have fun on your trip and we hope to see you next week at the playdate!

Jessica said...

I think he likes the window at his height. Otherwise he is just looking at walls. Austin loves our window door, too.

Aubree said...

alabaster...what a great word! He is getting so big. But he is still adorable!

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